Friday, November 26, 2010

Video Games Continue to Suck More

They do. And I will take time away from procrastinating learning more about programming and computer hardware so that I can eventually make proper games in my free time or something so I can talk about the decline of gaming.

This all boils down to one thing: choice.

As all the marvelous technology towards the creation of games has increased, choices within the game world have actually decreased. Let's just take Zelda for example. Can you name the Zelda game where you have most choice over the order of dungeons you conquer? The first one. It is also the only game of the series where health upgrades came in complete hearts instead of pieces. Which seems to me a noticeable inverse relationship.

And now I have lost interest in this. Blargh. More on this later maybe.

Just Bored, Commenting on Other People's Websites is Stupid

I am, and it is.

I in fact did just that on some atheist blog talking about why "God Did It" is a terrible explanation. And it is. Because it doesn't explain anything. Blah blah blah. I wrote an argument in the comments arguing against some other persons saying it is and, eh, I figured if I feel like arguing and/or blathering about I might as well try and make a blog. So, here it goes.